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Hinge: Dates Feature Addition

Project Overview


The Dating App industry is not always the best place to meet your soulmate. The mission of Hinge brings about deeper questions and user profiles in order for users to get to know their matches as quickly as possible. The app’s goal is to be deleted, but what happens when it goes beyond the app?

The first in-person meeting is left up to the user to create a great experience, when most people are just worried about being able to get out if the date goes badly.


To address this problem, our team built in the “Dates” feature to allow users to explore date ideas by location and event around them. They can plan the perfect first rock climbing date with their adventurous match and land the second date....



4 Designers

2 week Sprint

My Role

Project Manager, User Research, Sketching, Iteration, Wireframing, Hi-fi Prototype 


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How might we give users a way to go on more meaningful and memorable dates with their Hinge matches?


User Interviews

Tasked to seamlessly fit a new feature within the existing Dating App, Hinge. The app is basic in terms of the experience, and my group identified it as needing more.

Key Findings

Hinge is used for people wanting a more serious online dating experience

Users would use clues from
Photos and Prompts on Matches profiles to guess what things people liked to do.

Most first in-person dates were
planned out of ease and location for both people. Not much effort put in.


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Competitive Analysis

We looked at both other Dating Apps on the market to understand the features. Hinge offers most of the same features as the other apps. Tinder featured a Calendar to track users dates, which was unique among the apps.

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Online Dating Sites

Online Dating sites offered a wider range of input fields for users profiles. These are much more in-depth than most current dating apps on the market. They are more established than dating apps and users are willing to put in more time.


Most sites included Matching percentages, deeper profile questions, but also came with monthly subscription fees.

Comparative Analysis

The app Meetup was a way for people to meet in-person based on common interests. We used this model to understand how they showcased events, social groups, and locations for meeting up.


Popular or trending events highlighted


Users input their interests in like tags

Meetup logo.png

Users can join groups and receive updates on their events


Search events by location


Events are saved based on their status

Checking Assumptions

The team blasted out a Feature Survey asking what features users would be most interested in seeing in a dating app. We included 10 features of varying ratings.

1-Not Interested at all         4-Very Interested



We noted that users seemed drawn to "Activity Interests" and "Being recommended Dates based on Shared Interests".


Other highly rated new features were based in security, but Hinge has recently incorporated heightened security to deter fake accounts.



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The Hopeless Romantic

Primary Persona

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To meet their soulmate

Real connections with people

Quality and different Dates

To get to the second date


It’s Tuesday evening and The Hopeless Romantic is continuing several conversations with potential dates. There is one front-runner that could be a great match. They are looking to set up a date for this weekend and are looking for date ideas from their match’s profile. Hopefully this date will have a follow-up….




To see other people's interests

To show their interests in profile

Better dates than coffee or dinner...

We designed the "Dates" feature in order for The Hopeless Romantic to get out of the app and into real life dating with their matches.



Problem Statement

The Hopeless Romantic needs a way to access other people’s profile interests in new activities and experiences so that they can use them as a jumping off point to plan dates and tailor their first in-person meetings.


User Flows

The team created 2 new flows. The first for adding "Activities" to the users profile, and applying them to the Feed preferences. Users would have to set these like any other profile/filter setting.



The second flow focuses on the "Dates" feature, and allows users to send date ideas to their matches.


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Tab System


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Upcoming Events

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Categorizing dates


Planning Dates

Early Sketching

Myself and another team member tackled sketching ideas for the new date flow and adding the activities into profiles. To the left are the sketches completed.

We explored using tabs to divide dates by location, events, and ideas. We explored giving dates “parameters” and being able to send to matches for acceptance.


We asked ourselves the following questions:

How do we define a "date"? How specific should it be?

How do we categorize "Dates"?

How can users come back to saved "Dates"?

How rigid should a sent date be? Is it a suggestion?


Refined Flow-Dates Tab

Location or

Event Overview


Categorizing dates

See Compatible

Activities for Matches

Design Studio Brainstorm

We came together and went through 3 Design Studio sketch sessions.


We concluded that "Dates" would be defined by location or event. "Dates" would be recommended to users based off of users inputted profile activities. 



First wireframes were made to explore how our new feature would fit into the current application.​



We decided to combine the "Likes" and "Matches" Tabs in the Bottom Navigation Bar to give more weight and space for the new "Dates" icon.

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Tabs between Map and Events

Saved Icon


Sending Date to Match


Usability Testing

We did 3 rounds of Usability Testing with Hinge users.


Test #1: Testing new navigation and whether users could complete the 3 flows. Adding activities to their profile, saving date ideas for later, and sending date ideas to matches.


Test #2: Testing to see how users filtered the match results, either on the feed page or through the profile. Are users scrolling and engaging with new content?


Test #3: Testing for understanding of the "Dates" page through introduction of tutorial pop-ups on new feature.

Added "Edit Profile"

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Tags for "Activities"

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"Match Activities" to "Match Interests" and "Preferences" to "Match Filters"

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Dates Icon Progression

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Final Prototype Frames

"Dates" Page Pop-up


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Saving an Event

Date Overview Page





Send Date options

Sent Date!


Final Prototype


Our final solution allows users to explore, save, and send date ideas to matches. 


Secondarily, users can add "Activity Tags" to their profiles to make it straightforward for matches to know what they like to do. In turn, this will help people to search for matches with the same interests quicker and filter out incompatible people.


We are confident this solution could be used by current Hinge users and get them closer to deleting the App for good.

Where to Next?

Build out the add "Activities" feature to allow for more suggested tags for activities.

Allow users to send specifications for a date, including exact date, time, and location.

Show recommended date options in the Conversation Page based on both matches loaded activities and saved date options.


Thinking Larger

The "Dates" feature could expand the user market for Hinge. This feature could be offered to people in committed relationships in order to get them to try new date options and make it easier to see new things to do within their own town/city. It could offer up unconventional dates to help couples rediscover their own romance.

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